Internal controls Evaluation for Kamux

Evaluation of the state of internal control and the implementation of the code of conduct.

“Niina Ratsula from Code of Conduct Company was our partner in a project where the aim was to gain a broad understanding of the state of internal control of our processes, as well as the success of implementing the company code of conduct and other internal guidelines. As a result of the project, we got clear overall picture of both our strengths and areas for development. We carried out the project because it is important for us in Kamux to internalize the company’s code of conduct operating models throughout the organization, and we are committed to the internal control required by good governance. The project proceeded according to the plan and on schedule. A well-prepared final report provides a comprehensive overview of the current situation and an excellent basis for further development. I can warmly recommend Niina Ratsula and Code of Conduct Company as a partner for similar projects.”

Satu Ojala, Kamux Oy, Director of Communications

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Code of Conduct Company.

Mikonkatu 8 A, 6krs,
00100 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 50 486 9821